I will just say, for those who might be mildly interested, that putting together a photo album, or scrapbook, whatever you chose to call it, doesn't have to be elaborate to be nice. For me, it is about having enough information to recall the trip years from now. I also want it to look pleasing on the page.
I am using a Creative Memories 12 x 12 true coverset with white pages and protectors. The true sets are new. CM has added just enough page area that the usable space on the page is a true 12 inches. That is nice as 12 inch decorations will fit in either direction. It also gives a little more room for photos.
I had most of my photos printed this year. Some I have printed on my own computer. The nice thing about printing them myself is the fact that I can print them in smaller sizes if I choose and fit more on the page. The nice thing about having them printed is that I don't have to print them myself. It is costly to print pictures on a printer... ink...paper. Therefore, I've probably saved a little money by having most of them printed.
I'm a firm believer that simple is good. I have organized my album by days. Each day of the vacation is highlighted by different colors of accent paper. I have lots of photos and have used just a touch of color on each page. A little corner piece or a thin strip of paper along the side gives it a little interest, but it isn't overdone. Again, I'm using CM paper as know it is acid and lignin free. That is important in the long haul as I want my albums to stay nice for many years.
I took pictures of signs, when appropriate. I just cut around those signs and put them by the pictures. It certainly is faster and easier than trying to write all that information. Actually, I wouldn't write all of it, so I'm giving added information and interest.
I do think it is important to journal. I've written a little information or just a thought or comment under most of the pictures.
If you are looking at this, and you have never put together an album, I want you to know that it doesn't have to be hard. Also, you don't need a ton of stuff to do it with. Investing in a quality album is the first thing. It will be kinder to your photos in the long run and not fall apart. A corner rounder to snip off those photo corners, a tool to crop (cut away) parts of the picture that aren't necessary, adhesive, and a good acid free journaling pen will put you on the right track.
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