I'm afraid my towels are now purchased complete with decorations, but I do remember the time when fussing up plain white cloths to use around the kitchen was the 'in thing' to do. You may... or may not... remember all the towels embroidered with names of the days of the week. There were pictures of washing for Monday, ironing for Tuesday, etc. I have no idea where they have gone.
I-Needa said that there is more she is going to paint on her towel, she just didn't have time.
For you quilters, this quilt used as a bedspread was one my mother made years ago. It is all from men's neckties. She said it was a dickens to make as ties are all cut on the bias, which made working with them lots of fun... in a challenge sort of way. The fabrics give a rich look to the quilt, and she received many complements on it as it sat on her antique walnut bed. I-Needa was blessed with it a few years ago.
Just in case you wonder what I'm doing, I'll confess that I'm doing a little of this and that. I have been working with scanning photos, and I'm also trying to clean the guest bedroom closet. I don't think the two are related.
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